Titan Badminton Match

Playing at Cactus High School 6330 W. Greenway Road, Glendale, AZ

Thunderbird Auction and Golf Planning Meeting – Serafina

Join the families helping to plan and host the biggest Thunderbird Parent Association fundraising events of the year and enjoy a little coffee and snacks at the new Serafina Coffee Roasters located in the Coral Gables shopping center.


Thunderbird High ASVAB Testing

Opportunity for students to take a career aptitude test.  Check email or inquire at the Thunderbird High School Administration Office for more information.

Titan Girls Golf

Competing with Barry Goldwater High School

Get dinner at Chipotle – help John Jacobs Elementary

Chipotle 425 E. Bell Road, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Use code MFCN3GV when checking out for your online order or show the flyer attached to this event at Chipotle in the Super Target shopping center (425 E. Bell Road) between 4pm and 8pm today.